Simply Pale Ale extraktkit

Simply Pale Ale extraktkit

Ölsats extrakt, Simply

Artikelnummer: 108821

En elegant, lättdrucken öl med god maltsötma och en hint av vanlig, med ren eftersmak.

Det här kitet ger cirka 23 liter färdig öl.

OBS! För att uppnå den önskade alkoholhalten behöver du tillsätta 1 kg dextros (ingår ej).


189 SEK
10i lager
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An elegant easy drinking beer with good malt sweetness with a hint of vanilla and a clean aftertaste.

This beer kit comes in the latest foil pouch. Each pouch is cold filled using the latest nitrogen technology to provide the ultimate contamination protection. This low temperature process retains the delicate flavours and aromas traditionally lost during the pasteurisation of cans by prolonged heating and hot filling.

Requires 1 kg of dextrose (sold separately), or use an enhancer pack to further improve your beer.

Approx ABV: 4%

Final Volume: 23L
Optimal Fermenting Temp: 20-25ºC

Weight: 1.8kg
Makes: 23 l.
Made in: UK
Ingredients: Malt extract (malted barley), hop extract, dried brewing yeast (yeast, emulsifier (E491))

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Användningsområde Öl
Volum 23 liter
